Viva La Vida


Viva La Vida is a 48 inches by 36 inches acrylic on canvas art piece.

Artist: Julie Kessler

For the Love of Art....Julie Kessler has been creating art since her earliest childhood years! Adding a dash of spirit, serenity and playful magic to homes and garden is what she does best! Julie enjoys painting with acrylics on canvas, wood, and tar paper. Layering of patterns and saturated colors, her paintings are Modern Folk Art with a maximalism style of “more is more” approach that inspire her creative playful characters and the exploration of a fun story.

Julie’s painting “Viva La Vida” represents Frida as a child, before the pain…… before her polio disability and before the bus accident. Frida is happy in the garden surrounded by flowers and her symbolic animal friends of future paintings.

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